
we want to integrate and test a new (selfwritten) jdbc- driver with/ in openOffice Base. My question: What is to do, to make the jdbc driver accessible for (and available in) openoffice base? The driver is in a very early alpha state and does not cover the full jdbc specification at the moment. The goal of the driver is, to give java applications access to mysql databases behinde a webserver. That meens: There are a lot of webhoster out there offering (mysql-) databases without the ability to connect to the database itselfs. Moreover, often.you have to use tools like phpmyadmin or to write your own php scripts to get an access to the database. The driver, we want to implement is something like an jdbc-php-mysql bridge. The jdbc driver connects to a php script at your webspace. These php script connects to the database, executes the sql-statements from the driver and get back the answer from the database to the driver.

Sorry for my bad english language, hope you know what I want to say and translating is possible for you.

with kind regards

Arnulf Jendryschik
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