(Apologies in advance if this has already been responded to, just got the confirmation for subscription and I can't find my original question on the site, did not get anything cc'ed.)

I'm running OpenOffice.org 2.0.4 on a WinXP platform. I have a .dbf of a fairly large and active table (several thousand records, a couple hundred added or modified twice each month) linked to an .odb that defines a number of queries. Most of the time when I use the queries to modify or add records, everything works fine.

BUT sometimes updates are applied (behind the scenes, not where I'm working) to the wrong records. This is extremely hard to detect and correct. I suspect that the real issue is two-fold: (1) relative record numbering is used to record the changes, and it gets skewed when new records are added and sorted by the query into their appropriate positions (based on a street-name, street-number combination that is not unique), with the actual file not being updated from the relative record data until some later time, regardless of the use of the save actions from the query and from the main page of the database; and (2) there is no primary key.

Another, and quite likely related, mystery is that after I've completely closed all OpenOffice.org applications, and even restarted Windows, the first attempt to bring up anything in OOo presents a dialog about "recovering" some unnamed file. When I do that, it opens up the .odb.

This issue is a real killer for me. Is there any way for me to make the .dbf into a proper database table, with an auto primary key, instead of a linked .dbf? Or do you have any other suggestions? Thanks.

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