As you probably know all too well, I've been working in an embedded database with one table and a number of queries. The table holds a complete historic record of all the activity I'm tracking. The queries subset the data, picking out the records that are active somehow and grouping by addresses that have been allocated to one of four administrative sections. Updates are done primarily through the queries.

I decided that since the addresses are often used in multiple tracking records, and the data I get sometimes has invalid addresses that I should catch before setting up some work, I should normalize the data by splitting what I had into a Violations table for the dynamic data and an Addresses table for the static stuff about each valid address, joined by a shorthand version of the address that is the primary key of the Addresses table. My queries let me see what I expect after the tables are properly joined.

One real problem, though -- I don't seem to be able to update from any query with a join. The keys of both tables are in the data, and I'm only trying to update in the Violations table. As long as I don't have a join, no problem. Clicking the Edit Data icon doesn't help. Is this behavior of read-only queries from joins WAD (Working As Designed) or is there some way I can do my updates from there? From the Violations table only, I can't subset by section (that data is in Addresses, since it is fixed for each address) or sort by the full address. (The shorthand versions are OK, but don't sort to the same order. Workable, but a bit messy.) Well, I guess I could, but only with a humongous criterion or set of criteria that essentially identified all the streets in the section, or by duplicating the section info in the Violations table, neither of which is particularly attractive.

Any recommendations? Would updating to 2.2.x help?

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