On Monday 20 August 2007 19:14:50 Barbara Duprey wrote:

> One real problem, though -- I don't seem to be able to update from any
> query with a join. The keys of both tables are in the data, and I'm only
> trying to update in the Violations table. As long as I don't have a
> join, no problem. Clicking the Edit Data icon doesn't help. Is this
> behavior of read-only queries from joins WAD (Working As Designed) or is
> there some way I can do my updates from there?

IMO, no this isn't how it should work, the functionality should have been 
there in the first place, but...you can say that about a lot of things that 
didn't have the resources necessary for their development / integration in 
many of the OOo modules :-) 

> Any recommendations? Would updating to 2.2.x help?

There is an issue :



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