Marc Santhoff wrote:
Executing CHECKPOINT DEFRAG from the SQL window will indeed shrink the size of the odb file,
Doing so with in a script with
oStatement.ExecuteUpdate( "CHECKPOINT DEFRAG" )
does not. It runs to completion, but the file size is not changed.

Not wanting to insult anybody, but:

Did you mke sure you "commit"ed the command explicitly or the
"AutoCommit"-property is set to true?

Good question.

If you open a Base file on the desktop,
or open a connection in a script such as
createConnection( <USERNAME>,.<PASSWORD> )
then AUTO_COMMIT = TRUE is the only thing you can have
You must use an IsolatedConnection in order to turn AUTO_COMMIT off.
( unless things have changed in the last few releases)

Surely I would not be so silly as to have created an isolatedConnection -
What do you know I did..

OK another test.

Size of the database before I started
Opened and deleted 9,500 records
Closed that database ./ Close OOo completely
size of file 10,850KB

Started OOo, without opening the Base file and ran this script

sub Main
end sub

Sub defrag_database( sRegName as string )
   dim ctx, db, con, stmt
ctx = createUnoService("")
   db = ctx.getByName(sRegName)
   con = db.getConnection( "", "" )
   stmt = con.CreateStatement
   stmt.ExecuteUpdate( "CHECKPOINT DEFRAG" )

End Sub

Closed OOo, completely, and size on disk 10,850KB

BUT - ah ha I found the was my code - well, maybe not.all my code.

I did not dispose of the connection within the script.

When I add the dispose with

Sub defrag_database( sRegName as string )
   dim ctx, db, con, stmt
ctx = createUnoService("")
   db = ctx.getByName(sRegName)
   con = db.getConnection( "", "" )
   stmt = con.CreateStatement
   stmt.ExecuteUpdate( "CHECKPOINT DEFRAG" )

End Sub

Now the file immediately shrank to 9,557KB - without having to exit OOo
I noticed that after the first run the .lck file was not removed until after OOo was fully closed, and that is what tipped me off. What is insulting is that I really know enough from esxperience to alwasy explicilty dispose of those [EMAIL PROTECTED] connection variables..

I'll leave it up to some else to determine if AUTO_COMMIT also plays a role in this.

For now I'll just put the defrag_database procedure up as a code snippet.

Thanks Marc,


ps. I am hard to insult, at least when it comes to this type of thing, so don't ever worry 'bout it.

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