Would closing the connection have sufficed?

If not, what is the difference between closing a connection and disposing of a connection?

andrew wrote:
Marc Santhoff wrote:
BUT - ah ha I found the bug..it was my code - well, maybe not.all my code.

I did not dispose of the connection within the script.

When I add the dispose with

Sub defrag_database( sRegName as string )
   dim ctx, db, con, stmt
ctx = createUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
   db = ctx.getByName(sRegName)
   con = db.getConnection( "", "" )
   stmt = con.CreateStatement
   stmt.ExecuteUpdate( "CHECKPOINT DEFRAG" )

End Sub

Now the file immediately shrank to 9,557KB - without having to exit OOo
I noticed that after the first run the .lck file was not removed until after OOo was fully closed, and that is what tipped me off. What is insulting is that I really know enough from esxperience to alwasy explicilty dispose of those [EMAIL PROTECTED] connection variables..

Andrew Pitonyak
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