Hi Drew,

andrew wrote:

In looking over issue 72987 it is said that this all works find on WIN, but I have never been able to get it to work.
Issue 72987 describes a crash when you try to register a odb file which is http. :-) This is fixed. The other problem is that you can not access an embedded database at the same time from different users. And the other point is that the server must support WebDAV.

Under Staroffice8 and OOo2.3 I get error code "SOO10 Invalid argument in JDBC call" when I try to access the tables in an odb file.
I've got the same error message.

If on the other hand I create an odb file that connects to an ods file on the server, then I can open and connect ( connection test succeeds ) but can not see any table names. There is a non printing character in the table list entries, which can be double clicked and a dataview window opens- but no data.
On our http server I set the url to the ods file as http link as connection string and I could see the data. You should submit an issue where you describe your environment which is in use to get it reproduce able.

Both cases I am using my web server at my ISP, not an intranet. ( I didn't think the embedded base file would work, since it can't create a .lck file - but )
Yes the lck seems to be the problem here as well as the problem of multi user access of the embedded database.

So, my question is - when you say it all works on WIN fine are you referring only to a web server on an intranet, not at on the internet?
No, I only mean that the crash was not reproduce able on WIN. So I set the OS to Linux.



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