I said I would post this...and well, this is really ugly - but then one-off stuff...you know..

We get a line from the file and we want to clean up that embedded comma, while were at it handle double quotes and single quotes

so some constants firsts

const dblQt = """"

const sglQt = "'"

const Comma = ","

const strDblQt = "[dblquote]"

const strSglQt = "[sglquote]"

const strComma = "[comma]"

the function to sanitize our line

function prepInput( aLine as string, aSepChr as string ) as string

   dim tmpStr as string

   dim tmpStr2 as string

   dim tmpStr3 as string

   dim tmpStr4 as string

   dim start as integer

   start = 1


       tmpStr = FindPartString(aLine, aSepChr & dblQt, dblQt & aSepChr, start)

       tmpStr2 = ReplaceString(tmpStr, strComma, Comma)

       aLine = ReplaceString(aLine, tmpStr2, tmpStr)

       tmpStr3 = ReplaceString(tmpStr2, strDblQt, dblQt)

       aLine = ReplaceString(aLine, tmpStr3, tmpStr2)

       tmpStr4 = ReplaceString(tmpStr3, strsglQt, sglQt)

       aLine = ReplaceString(aLine, tmpStr4, tmpStr3)

   loop until tmpStr = ""

   prepInput = aLine

end function

and a function to put the actual characters back before we send it to the new database field

function prepStringField( aField as string ) as string

   dim tmpStr

   tmpStr = ReplaceString( aField, Comma, strComma )

   tmpStr = ReplaceString( tmpStr, dblQt & dblQt, strDblQt )

   tmpstr = ReplaceString( tmpStr, dblQt & sqlQt & dblQt, strSglQt )

   prepStringField = tmpStr

end function

Now that really is ugly isn't it. Besides we immediately see that for double quotes and single quotes we could of just dropped the intermediate step and fixed them properly in the function prepInput - but I didn't...left it very very ugly..and then we just call it with

function burstLine( aLine as string, aSepChr as string ) as variant

   dim tmpArray as variant

   dim cntr as integer

   tmpArray = ArrayOutOfString( prepInput( aLine, aSepChr ), aSepChr )

   for cntr = lBound( tmpArray ) to UBound( tmpArray )

       tmpArray( cntr ) =  prepStringField( tmpArray( cntr ) )


   burstLine = tmpArray

end function

And we are good to go, to push all this into the table. I handle the boolean and date conversions later, when know which fields have what types.

So - now..I think that a more generic approach is called for and for that ...a trip to the wiki.

Till then


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