Manolis Christodoulou wrote:
Andrew Jensen wrote:
Manolis Christodoulou wrote:

I have already submitted an issue for ArrayOutOfString and ReplaceString functions, look at Issue 78503. to br replaced by join(split(...)) calls.

You can vote for it.

Excellent, I will do that.

We went in two different directions, I was concerned with not breaking on separator characters when they are inside paired quote characters. Needed for bursting a line from a CSV style file for loading into a table for instance, so added an optional parameter - the quote character to watch for, if passed then watch for it, if missing old functionalaity..etc.and a second optional parameter to say whether to include quotes in the arrays field or not..

Darn MSAccess export files with booleans ( 0,1) and text fields can looks like:

2145,0,0,0,1,"Some text, and more text / all one field",0,0,2.15

That damned embedded know. Even better, this is a valid export from MSA also:

2145,0,0,0,1,"Some text, and I"ll make more text / all one field",0,0,2.15

A typo during data entry no doubt, but MSA takes it and exports it just like that...arrrgh

For the first example, I have already the code in my mind, it's not so hard.

For the second, I do not :-( maybe must implemented in C/C++ using some regexp library.
Actually, nothing serves to focus ones attention more then a deadline and I promised someone that I would have this loader ready today..that and just about anything is better then writing a formal disaster recovery plan...anyway, I realized I was way off in the weeds before and making it much more complicated then it needed to be. You can do all this with routines currently supplied in the tools library..and the scrubber actually needs to be a wrapper not a change to the arrayoutofstring routine.

So, I've got it in the editor right now and I thin I'll try using your replacement version of the arrayoutofstring..when I'm done I'll post it up here for you to see how it works...

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