TO: All Projects
    All OOo Users

Please CC this information to any interested groups.

Dear users,

I have started a task to improve the workflow within the OOo-project.


In order to attain best results, it has become imperative to develop
standardised workflows and to define Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
to document these workflows.


Many activities within the OOo project are poorly documented and
difficult to understand, especially for newcomers and outside-users.

In order to improve transparency and the efficiency within the OOo-project
and bring consistency in the various activities, SOPs will be implemented
for most common tasks.

C.) SOP-Categories

Because of the relevance of documentation and specifications, especially
when wanting to change and improve something, I started writing some SOPs
detailing the creation of new wiki-pages and managing the wiki. If such
information already exists, it should be rewritten as SOPs and made more

First drafts can be read at:

As some projects may have already noticed/may know, I have already tried
to persuade people to reorganise the wiki and:
  1.) group pages under appropriate Top-Level-pages and
  2.) assign significant categories to the wiki-page
This task tries to formalise the procedure and drive all projects/users
to adopt this techniques. Especially newcomers (new users) will benefit
from these informations and will allow them writing better wiki-pages.
[Some projects largely abide to these requirements, others however have
 still to follow.]


These SOPs are still in draft phase. I propose therefore a 2 week-schedule
to read/discuss/improve the SOPs. Thereafter, the SOPs should be adopted
by the OOo council (somebody else???) and promoted to accepted SOPs.

Any future activity shall abide these SOPs.

E.) Discussions

Most discussions should be held probably on the wiki-discussion pages.
I am subscribed to a number of mailing lists, BUT not to all of them.
Mailing-list discussions should be posted probably to a single list
(e.g. User Experience; I am subscribed to this list;

This subject is probably of interest to the OOo-council, too. Therefore,
an alternative would be the OOo-council. In the latter case, please CC me
any relevant mails.



I already started to improve the wiki. In addition, I am trying to reduce
the number of double redirects. Currently it stands at 120, but this is
120 too much.

There are also a lot of orphaned pages. In a collective effort we can
definitely improve the wiki. Please help if you are the owner of such a
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