Ocke Janssen wrote:
Moin all,

I uploaded a snapshot for the cws rptchart02 to ftp://qa-upload.services.openoffice.org/ To access it use your OOo account. There are English and a German version for Linux available and the new version of the sun-report-builder extension. This cws allows the user to insert a chart object into their report. The first column of a table/query/sql command is used as X-Axis for the chart. Unused columns can be deleted when double clicking the chart and open the context menu (right-mouse button) and select data ranges (2nd tab page) where you can remove unused ones.

Happy testing.

Best regards,


PS: I believe that a lot more things need to be added to the wiki, like how do use charts in report. :-)

A couple of thoughts.

I can get it all looking quite nice in design mode - but runtime is a proving a bit different.

Placing a graph in the detail section ( so that the whole report was the graph ) worked as expected with all the columns on the x axis displaying properly.

Placed the graph in a group header and then linking the chart result set (RS) to the report's RS using the same fields as the group...seems right. When I link the result sets at design time I get what I expect in the x and y axis. I can bring up the chart properties editor and make changes and again it all appears correct. When I run the report the results are not coming in as I expect - some charts ( different group headers ) seem to to be missing data fields for instance. [ before I say that this is actually happening I need to go back and really scrub the queries I am using to be sure I am getting what I THINK should be there for each of the groups...)

One thing that I do see - not sure how others will feel about this - the scale changes dynamically based on the data, now that sounds logical, but when the chart is in a group header then the data is related from one chart to another, and even though each group has, most likely, different range the overall range should be the same for all charts at that group level.

For instance:

Group 1 has a chart with a data range of  0 .. 61
Group 2 has a range of 1..20
Group 3 has a range of 20..70

I would prefer to have all three charts have a scale then of 0..70 ( or 100 ), but of course that is not what happens - so the relative size of the bars ( or sections ) in the different group charts is, well, not related. ( of course as I type this the idea dawns that maybe this can be set in the graph's property editor? )

Have not tried: multiple graphs in detail section / graph in report header or footer ...will try that tomorrow.

Regarding an example - I was thinking of a Sneak Preview post at the forum...just as soon as I can figure out how to make a superscript TM without using html.... [ we don't allow html code in posts on the forum, so I will need to add the bbCode for it first, I would not want to violate the trade mark] ( twisted smirk...)


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