Hi all,

> may develop syntax
> highlighting of SQL commands like it is done in the basic ide.

So I'd be happy to work on that project. What's the best way to get

I was actually planning to do this myself for 3.1, so if you are equally
interested in something else you could do that I'd guess.

But please be totally free to stick with this project, you were first
and called it :-)

Two comments regarding the implementation, although no responsibility is
taken for the correctness of this information ;-) :

- the wiki page mentiones editview/editengine, but from a first look/comment, textengine/textview (or exteditengine/editview) is enough and faster for our purpose (http://lxr.go-oo.org/source/util/svtools/source/edit/texteng.cxx#2846)
(Although all these can be replaced by each other very easily anyway)

- it might make sense to not duplicate pretty much everything from the basic ide including Editengine/Editview/Window and so on, but create a MultiLineEdit control + syntax highlighting (multilineedit already exists) as a new control, and use this for the basic IDE as well as SQL syntax highlighting inside Base.

Best regards

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