Hi all,

I have a localization issue with error messages in Base. They appear to
be duplicate in French and English, but the English part is more
verbose, for example:
"Erreur lors de l'insertion du nouvel enregistrement "
"Attempt to insert null into a non-nullable column..."
"Erreur lors de l'insertion du nouvel enregistrement"
"Violation of unique constraint SYS_PK_78: duplicate value(s) for
 column(s) "nomChamp" in statement [INSERT INTO "NomTable" ("case",
 "NomCle et champs...")]"
Would it be possible to have only one fully localized message?
Is it this file that have not been translated :

And could it be possible that the file be added to our localization
workflow in order to maintain it?

Thanks in advance
Kind regards

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