So far i found a lot of things not working with Stored Procedures, but finaly :-) i got a sort of workaround for a Stored Procedure on MySql with parameters.

SUB TESTstoredprocedurecall
oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("")
oDB = oBaseContext.getByName("mysql_native")
oCon = oDB.getConnection("user", "Password")
oStatement = oCon.createStatement()
sSQL1 = "call teststoredprocedure('Parm1', '¨Parm2')" ' must been pased in right order
ostatement.execute(sSQL1)' gives True
oResultset1 = ostatement.getresultset
print oResultset1.getstring(1)' confirmes the selection based on parameters
ostatement.close ' must been done otherwise we ran in a Exception:'sdbc.SQLExepetion "Commands out of sync, you can not run this command now"
'after this exception you need to restart OO or dispose oDB
ocon.close ' just to be sure everyting isclosed
end sub

this Exception "Commands out of sync, you can not run this command now" make the use of "PreparedStatements" useless I will file a Issue if this is realy a bug.

Hope this  is usefull information for who trye to use stored procedures

Marc Santhoff wrote:
Am Samstag, den 13.02.2010, 18:22 +0100 schrieb Marc Santhoff:
And just here i am lost: how works this registering of the
parameters ?

Dunno, my assumption was that it is not strictly necessary ... I tink
someone else has to answer this question.

A quick look into chapter 8 of the HSQL docs shows:

The routine body is a SQL statement. In its simplest form, the body is a
single SQL statement. A simple example of a function is given below:

An example of the use of the function in an SQL statement is given

SELECT an_hour_before(event_timestamp) AS notification_timestamp, event_name FROM events;

The other SQL statement for calling procedures, in contrast to
functions, would be "CALL".

So chances are good that a prepared statement on the OOo side of things
is sufficient for transferring parameters to a statement build up by a
stored function or stored procedure call.

HTH anyway,

Hi Marc

That is good for single return values, but not for returning multiple parameters or for returning a cursor to a result set.

So, sure there is some access to the stored procedures with the current implementation but it isn't yet ready to take full advantage them - IMO.



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