From: Victor Luis [] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 3:53 PM
To: ''
Subject: FW: OOo QA Project Page



I thought I solved the problem by uninstalling the Microsoft C++ Runtime
Library & Firefox applications (of which I suspected was causing OpenOffice
Base to crash) but I acted prematurely. My data-container size has reached
>25000k (Tables w/data, Queries, Forms & Reports). Does the size effect BASE
to crash & corrupt the container which is then unrepairable. Kindly
investigate & revert at the earliest. For your info I use QuickHeal


Victor Luis


From: Victor Luis [] 
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2010 10:22 AM
To: ''
Subject: OOo QA Project Page


Hi Sir,

You are doing a splendid job on the openoffice project - I am a newbie BASE
user - about a year now & BASE has improved so much since July 2009. I use
build 3.2.1 on WindowsXP & am contemplating on shift to 3.3 (when released).
However I have this constant problem which I would be obliged if you get rid
off by the next build. It actually destroys the entire BASE application
container. Utilities like Kernel & SysInfoTools add to the cost of the app.
My system configuration is:

Problem: @ times when I edit a control on the form/report I encounter a
crash which destroys my entire application.  This happens when I shift over
to another non OOo App.

& after your recovery routine fails to recover - this is what I get:

I choose ODF database & I get:

& all my work goes down the drain.

Please HELP 


Victor Luis

Turbocam India Pvt. Ltd - Goa, India


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