
When I try to open a MSWord document that I have received, my
non-product build of m94 presents a dialog box saying

        General Error.
        General input/output error.

and it does not open the document.  Hacking around with gdb, I see the
program trying to open


which the program resolves as 


which I lack.  Indeed, I lack a file with that basename anywhere
within localbuild/.  Is there anything obvious that I could have done
wrong in my configuration, build, or installation to cause this error?
My build script issues

        export LOCALINSTALLDIR="/home/terry/OOo_hacking/localbuild"
        export PKGFORMAT="installed"

before calling dmake, and I shall append a copy of my call to

Among the 244 hits (sheesh!) returned from a bug search for "general
input/output error", I see issue 110030
<>.  This
differs from my situation in that its attached document is a .docx
while my document is a .doc.  However, I get very similar backtraces
from trying to open the two files.  Some questions arise.  (Yes, I
*do* have too much time on my hands. <grin />)

(*) If the message points to a program problem rather than my own
    error, is issue 110030 the right place for me add a comment about
    the missing file?

(*) The message "general input/output error" is unhelpfully, well,
    general.  Would it be a good idea (and feasible?) to extend the
    error message in some way?

(*) Would it be a good idea to make some calling functions raise
    assertions upon failure?  What macros would be appropriate?  The
    end result after the error message often seems to be the
    non-performance of what the user intended to do.  This is more
    serious than the situations in which I have seen many assertions

(*) What can I do to identify the problematic files--mine and the one
    attached to issue 100030--more helpfully than merely .docx and


===== start configuration parameters ==============================
./configure --disable-mozilla \
            --with-system-stdlibs \
            --with-system-zlib \
            --with-system-openssl \
            --with-system-jpeg \
            --with-system-libwpd \
            --with-system-python \
            --with-system-db \
            --with-system-libxslt \
            --with-system-sane-header \
            --with-system-xrender-headers \
            --with-system-vigra \
            --with-system-neon \
            --without-fonts \
            --disable-odk \
            --without-myspell-dicts \
            --enable-symbols \
            --disable-strip-solver \
            --with-system-curl \
            --with-jdk-home=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun \
            --with-use-shell=bash \
            --enable-dbgutil \
            --without-junit \
===== end configuration parameters ================================

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