
so, that's should work:

public interface SimpleRepository extends EntityRepository<Simple, Long>

    @Query(hints = {@QueryHint(name = "javax.persistence.cache.storeMode",
value = BYPASS)})
    List<Simple> findAll();

On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 11:53 AM, akm <> wrote:

> Thanks for the reply.
> We are creating a framework that all our enterprise applications will be
> using; so I am looking for a generic solution that I can add in a abstract
> class that then all entities can use.
> Basically looking for something like just adding a hint to the current
> AbstractEntityRepository's findAll.
> In the solution you mention all the applications would have to implement
> the
> findAll for all the entities.
> What I have currently is the below solution, but now the enterprise
> framework would have to implement this for all the find methods provided by
> the DeltaSpike repository which leads to maintenance issues and thus
> negates
> a lot of positives that DeltaSpike would provide us.
> *Current solution -*
> public abstract class MyBaseEntityCrudRepository<ENTITY, PK extends
> Serializable>
> extends AbstractEntityRepository<ENTITY, Serializable> implements
> Deactivatable {
>     public List<ENTITY> findAllFromDatabase() {
>         CriteriaQuery<ENTITY> query = this.criteriaQuery();
>         Root<ENTITY> root = query.from(entityClass());
>         query =;
>         TypedQuery<ENTITY> typedQuery =
> this.entityManager().createQuery(query);
>         typedQuery.setHint("javax.persistence.cache.retrieveMode",
> CacheRetrieveMode.BYPASS);
>         return typedQuery.getResultList();
>     }
> *I am looking for something easier method to add like -*
>     /**
>      * @see
>      */
>     @Override
>     @QueryHint("javax.persistence.cache.storeMode",
> CacheRetrieveMode.BYPASS)
>     public List<ENTITY> findAll() {
>      return super.findAll();
>     }
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the Apache DeltaSpike Incubator Discussions mailing list archive
> at

Best regard,
Daniel Cunha (soro)

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