I'm going to read this email as soon as the smoke

--- Alex Karasulu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've been testing the search performance boost
> gained from indexing
> attributes before starting development on an
> optimization to improve
> index performance and in memory size.  I thought I'd
> share these
> dramatic results of my pre-optimization tests with
> you since they
> clearly show the benefits of indices.
> Before I do this let me list the characteristics of
> the hardware used
> and my configuration settings:
> -------------
> Machine Setup
> -------------
> CPU: Dual Athlon MP 1900
> OS: Linux 2.6.15
> Mem: 2GB 266Mhz
> --------------
> ApacheDS Setup
> --------------
> ApacheDS: Stock RC4 (to be released pre-image) w/
> modifications
>    - Using 1024MB Memory
>    - Indexed st and initials
> ----------
> Data Setup
> ----------
> Wrote a simple tool to generate random values for
> descent sized entries.
>   The data sort of looks like this for a user entry:
>       dn: uid=user.1,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com
>       uid: user.1
>       initials: yq
>       description: cFocJATNuhlXisDCqGtY
>       pager: FYyimqyZRW
>       cn: HSGMzajYKmicUTe
>       postalcode: WiXXA
>       st: xy  
>       street: kpCCqmrsCzkpdtHXWMfY
>       l: KqmAXFYTrI
>       objectclass: person
>       objectclass: organizationalPerson
>       objectclass: inetOrgPerson
>       sn: nuymgOwpm
>       homephone: PERamkCtsv
>       mobile: vkIviOGNTC
>       telephonenumber: 7248889026
>       mail: pYvEoOjSnEymcWD
>       givenname: IVHJZB
>       postaladdress: crObexKoUTIFdzNHcZMr
>       employeenumber: 1
>       userpassword:: cGFzc3dvcmQ=
> I started loading a partition up with these entries
> 100,000 of them at a
> time then performing the following searches for all
> entries with
> initials aa:
> (1) index on initials but no cached entries
> (2) index on initials with cached entries
> (3) no index without cached entries
> Here are the results at the various capacities:
> ---------------
> 100,000 Entries
> ---------------
>      [cached] [indexed] [time (seconds)]
> (1)    no       yes        3.30
> (2)    yes      yes        0.72
> (3)    no       no         30.63
> search results = 153 entries
> ---------------
> 200,000 Entries
> ---------------
>      [cached] [indexed] [time (seconds)]
> (1)    no       yes        6.04
> (2)    yes      yes        1.44
> (3)    no       no         82
> search results = 302 entries
> ---------------
> 300,000 Entries
> ---------------
>      [cached] [indexed] [time (seconds)]
> (1)    no       yes        7.54
> (2)    yes      yes        1.95
> (3)    no       no         146
> search results = 451 entries
> ---------------
> 400,000 Entries
> ---------------
>      [cached] [indexed] [time (seconds)]
> (1)    no       yes        9.24
> (2)    yes      yes        3.80
> (3)    no       no         196
> search results = 586 entries
> ---------------
> 500,000 Entries
> ---------------
>      [cached] [indexed] [time (seconds)]
> (1)    no       yes        11.96
> (2)    yes      yes        3.21
> (3)    no       no         224
> search results = 748 entries
> Alex

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