I fixed quite a bit of issues and got the tests to work at least in
eclipse(not checked with mvn yet). I was going to commit but saw some
changes did an svn up and the files ended up in conflict.Also I saw
some changes to search layer trying to fix some stuff which actuyally
wont fix anything. If possible please roll back all your latest check
in. Just a status update of what works and what doesnt work will be
enough at this point and I will ask for further help if i need coding

On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 8:31 AM, Emmanuel Lécharny <elecha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Selcuk,
> so I had time this morning to get back to the branch, and focus on the error
> I have. Here is a sumary of the pb.
> First, I have @ignored a few failing tests :
> - in PasswordPolicy, because the failure has nothing to do with the txns
> - then for the PagedSearch tests, because I haven't -yet- restored the way
> it was deling with txns in your initial branch
> Otherwise, the rest of tests are passing with flying colors, except one test
> in ldap-client-test module :
> ClientSearchRequestTest.testSeaechPersonSubstring() is failing.
> What happens is that we get back may entries which don't fit the
> "(objectclass=*ers*)" filter (12 entries, instead of 3).
> Here are the returned entries :
> Entry
>    dn: cn=Administrators,ou=groups,ou=system
>    objectClass: top
>    objectClass: groupOfUniqueNames
>    createTimestamp: 20120227140034Z
>    uniqueMember: 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1=admin,
>    entryUUID: 027f4818-79a7-4974-a363-148f9f37ff6b
>    cn: Administrators
>    entryCSN: 20120227140034.983000Z#000000#000#000000
>    entryParentId: ae9ab7f6-5afb-4345-b801-2424714ffd84
>    creatorsName: 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1=admin,
> Entry
>    dn: ou=configuration,ou=system
>    objectClass: top
>    objectClass: organizationalUnit
>    createTimestamp: 20120227140034Z
>    ou: configuration
>    entryUUID: 2ddf826e-14c5-441f-9907-7d54524fbde7
>    entryCSN: 20120227140034.994000Z#000000#000#000000
>    entryParentId: 69acb598-559f-4ca9-8aa4-bd63096cd100
>    creatorsName: 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1=admin,
> Entry (OK)
>    dn: uid=admin,ou=system
>    objectClass: top
>    objectClass: person
>    objectClass: organizationalPerson
>    objectClass: inetOrgPerson
>    objectClass: tlsKeyInfo
>    uid: admin
>    privateKeyFormat: PKCS#8
>    createTimestamp: 20120227140034Z
>    sn: administrator
>    entryUUID: 399e0da3-beae-4bc5-8d33-5d113607c07f
>    entryParentId: 69acb598-559f-4ca9-8aa4-bd63096cd100
>    publicKey: 0\0
>    displayName: Directory Superuser
>    userCertificate: 0? ?0? 0   5? ? 0
> Entry
>    dn: ou=users,ou=system
>    objectClass: top
>    objectClass: organizationalUnit
>    createTimestamp: 20120227140034Z
>    ou: users
>    entryUUID: 548c6635-d95b-45af-899f-3585d9af774c
>    entryCSN: 20120227140034.965000Z#000000#000#000000
>    entryParentId: 69acb598-559f-4ca9-8aa4-bd63096cd100
>    creatorsName: 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1=admin,
> Entry
>    dn: ou=system
>    objectClass: top
>    objectClass: organizationalUnit
>    objectClass: extensibleObject
>    createTimestamp: 20120227140034Z
>    ou: system
>    entryUUID: 69acb598-559f-4ca9-8aa4-bd63096cd100
>    entryCSN: 20120227140034.551000Z#000000#000#000000
>    entryParentId: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
>    creatorsName: uid=admin,ou=system
> Entry
>    dn: prefNodeName=sysPrefRoot,ou=system
>    objectClass: top
>    objectClass: organizationalUnit
>    objectClass: extensibleObject
>    createTimestamp: 20120227140035Z
>    entryUUID: 6f0e6dc3-2fe3-4616-bab9-33ac7dc8e0dd
>    prefNodeName: sysPrefRoot
>    entryCSN: 20120227140035.044000Z#000000#000#000000
>    entryParentId: 69acb598-559f-4ca9-8aa4-bd63096cd100
>    creatorsName: 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1=admin,
> Entry
>    dn: ou=partitions,ou=configuration,ou=system
>    objectClass: top
>    objectClass: organizationalUnit
>    createTimestamp: 20120227140035Z
>    ou: partitions
>    entryUUID: 868ee0ae-5b31-4646-a8b9-b2896aab8efe
>    entryCSN: 20120227140035.010000Z#000000#000#000000
>    entryParentId: 2ddf826e-14c5-441f-9907-7d54524fbde7
>    creatorsName: 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1=admin,
> Entry
>    dn: ou=services,ou=configuration,ou=system
>    objectClass: top
>    objectClass: organizationalUnit
>    createTimestamp: 20120227140035Z
>    ou: services
>    entryUUID: 9f06c097-6a21-4fbe-94b2-830d7d1967fe
>    entryCSN: 20120227140035.023000Z#000000#000#000000
>    entryParentId: 2ddf826e-14c5-441f-9907-7d54524fbde7
>    creatorsName: 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1=admin,
> Entry (OK)
>    dn: cn=elecharny,ou=users,ou=system
>    objectclass: person
>    objectclass: top
>    createTimestamp: 20120227140035Z
>    sn: Emmanuel Lécharny
>    entryUUID: a8fa279b-cefe-4747-aa5c-952899cb041a
>    cn: elecharny
>    entryCSN: 20120227140035.268000Z#000000#000#000000
>    entryParentId: 548c6635-d95b-45af-899f-3585d9af774c
>    creatorsName: 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1=admin,
> Entry
>    dn: ou=groups,ou=system
>    objectClass: top
>    objectClass: organizationalUnit
>    createTimestamp: 20120227140034Z
>    ou: groups
>    entryUUID: ae9ab7f6-5afb-4345-b801-2424714ffd84
>    entryCSN: 20120227140034.974000Z#000000#000#000000
>    entryParentId: 69acb598-559f-4ca9-8aa4-bd63096cd100
>    creatorsName: 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1=admin,
> Entry (OK)
>    dn: cn=user1,ou=users,ou=system
>    objectclass: person
>    objectclass: top
>    createTimestamp: 20120227140035Z
>    sn: user1 sn
>    entryUUID: be3072a9-fc95-4782-bac0-e2a0f3cf0e21
>    cn: user1
>    entryCSN: 20120227140035.214000Z#000000#000#000000
>    entryParentId: 548c6635-d95b-45af-899f-3585d9af774c
>    creatorsName: 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1=admin,
> Entry
>    dn: ou=interceptors,ou=configuration,ou=system
>    objectClass: top
>    objectClass: organizationalUnit
>    createTimestamp: 20120227140035Z
>    ou: interceptors
>    entryUUID: f4dfd59b-f03e-4b8b-932c-8a6bdf603c46
>    entryCSN: 20120227140035.034000Z#000000#000#000000
>    entryParentId: 2ddf826e-14c5-441f-9907-7d54524fbde7
>    creatorsName: 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1=admin,
> While debugging the code, it seems that at some point, we try to fetch the
> entry using the ObjectClass index, but sadly, it returns the wrong UUID so
> we fetch an entry which has not the right ObjectClass.
> It's difficult to tell why the index does not refer to correct entries, as
> the test is adding the entries at the beginning, and generates some new UUID
> each time you run it, so it makes the debugging very painful.
> However, debugging ClientSearchRequestTest.testSeaechPersonSubstring() can
> lead to see where the error come from.
> Feel free to contact me for more insights, I'll be working late tonite.
> --
> Regards,
> Cordialement,
> Emmanuel Lécharny
> www.iktek.com

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