Responding to your last week message...

Le 10/11/12 10:13 PM, Stefan Seelmann a écrit :
I'm not sure if that are really issues:
- NOTICE and LICENSE file in source and binary distributions look different.
Yes. In NOTICE file, we should just include the references to the code we included in our source release, nothing else. All the dependencies we use to build the project must not be included. For instance, in junit-addons, the NOTICE file contains a reference to Mycila, because we included Mycila code in our source release, but we don't include junit reference, because it' snot part of the sources.

In binary distributions, this is another story : if we include some external jars, then we must include the licences and notices in LICENSE and NOTICE files.
- There is no attribution/license for ehcache, jetty, and servlet-api in
the binary distributions but at least the ueber jar contains such classes.
This has to be fixed. I'm on it.

- The binary NOTICE file lists OpenSymphony Quartz and IBatis but I
don't see that such software is included
They should be removed, it's not used anymore.

- The binary LICENSE file lists JUG, OpenSymphony Quartz, and Spring but
I don't see that such software is included

Thanks !

Emmanuel Lécharny

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