Le 29/09/14 10:08, Sebastian Oerding a écrit :
> Hello,
> thanks for the help provided thus far. however I still struggling with
> the Apache DS. I tried to add a partition with
> private void addPartition(DirectoryService service) {
>         AvlPartition partition = new
> AvlPartition(service.getSchemaManager());
>         partition.setId("smpki");
>         try {
>             partition.setSuffixDn(new Dn(service.getSchemaManager(),
> "dc=smpki"));
>             //            AvlRdnIndex index = new AvlRdnIndex("");
>             //            partition.addIndex(index);
>             partition.initialize();
>             // create the context entry
>             Entry contextEntry = new
> DefaultEntry(service.getSchemaManager(), "dc=smpki", "objectClass: top",
>                 "objectClass: organizationalUnit", "ou: certificates");
>             partition.add(new AddOperationContext(null, contextEntry));
>             service.addPartition(partition);
>         } catch (Exception e) {
>             LOG.error("Error adding a partition", e);
>             throw new IllegalStateException("Error occurred adding
> partition!");
>         }
>     }
> but now I'm getting the error
> ERR_219 Entry dc=smpki contains no entryCsn attribute: Entry
>     dn[n]: dc=smpki
>     objectclass: top
>     objectclass: organizationalUnit
>     ou: certificates

You have to add some internal attributes :

                        // Adding the 'entryCsn' attribute
                        if ( contextEntry.get(
SchemaConstants.ENTRY_CSN_AT ) == null )
SchemaConstants.ENTRY_CSN_AT, new CsnFactory( 0 ).newInstance()
                                .toString() );

                        // Adding the 'entryUuid' attribute
                        if ( contextEntry.get(
SchemaConstants.ENTRY_UUID_AT ) == null )
                            String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
SchemaConstants.ENTRY_UUID_AT, uuid );

> I would be glad to use the Apache DS for  parsing the requests.
> However as I have only 5 days left to integrate the functionality to
> parse LDAP requests I can not afford to waste any more time with
> fruitless attempts to get it running. If I do not get it managed to
> use the Apache DS I have to write my own ASN1 / LDAP message parser.

Don't expect to be able to write an ASN/1-LDAP parser in 5 days ;-) Keep
going on the mailing list, we should be able to help ypu getting your
partition working before that.

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