Le 09/06/2018 à 16:01, Stefan Seelmann a écrit :
> On 06/03/2018 10:39 AM, Stefan Seelmann wrote:
>> Next steps:
>> * Identify the codebase: What I see [2] is the latest commit, correct?
>> * Decide on a name: which name should we use? SCIMple, eSCIMo, something
>> else? We just make to be sure the name is not trademarked yet.
> Any thoughts on this?
>> * Check source and dependencies for Apache License compatibility (I do,
>> but more eyes are welcomed :-)
> I found the following problematic dependencies which are LGPL licensed
> and must not be included in an Apache release artifact.
> com.google.code.findbugs:annotations:2.0.1
> * LGPL
> * scim-server-rdbms, scim-spec-protocol, scim-server-couchdb, etc.
> * Transitive dependency of swagger-jaxrs
> * Fix: try to exclude?


> org.hibernate:hibernate-jpamodelgen:5.2.0.Final
> * LGPL
> * scim-server-rdbms
> * Fix: Change scope to provided as it is only used at build time

> org.hibernate:hibernate-core:5.0.9.Final
> org.hibernate:hibernate-entitymanager:5.0.9.Final
> * LGPL
> * scim-errai
> * Fix: switch to another JPA implementation (Apache OpenJPA), but I
> don't know deep Hibernate is wired into Errai.
> * Note: this is only an issue if it's planned to publish a WAR file that
> includes Hibernate. The current scim-errai seems to only be a showcase app.

This is clearly something that need to be replaced.

FTR, LGPL/GPL is not compatible with AL 2.0 in a sense that we can't
release code that contains LGPL/GPL packages without being tainted...

Thanks Stefan for the thorough analasys.

Emmanuel Lecharny


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