On 06/18/2018 04:17 PM, Smith, Shawn E wrote:
> If there's no objections, I'd like to see SCIMple stand.  There are a few 
> orgs that are already using it.

Should be ok.

I found 2 other software projects with that name:

1. an R library
Initial commit 2017-03-03

2. a Python library
Initial commit 2018-02-22

As SCIMple inital commit is from 2016-03-23 I think we are fine.

So here is the new git repo:

Do you want to push the code yourself?

The GitBox repo is linked to a GitHub repo:
https://github.com/apache/directory-scimple. Once you setup 2FA at
https://gitbox.apache.org/setup/ you can also push directly to the
GitHub repo and merge PRs.

I also updated the IP clearence form.

Kind Regards,

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