Le 03/07/2018 à 22:35, Stefan Seelmann a écrit :
> On 07/02/2018 07:58 PM, Stefan Seelmann wrote:
>> Thanks Emmanuel!
>> On 07/02/2018 03:30 PM, Emmanuel Lécharny wrote:
>>> ApacheDS :
>>> ----------
>>> - I have fixed the failing startTLS test (which was in fact an LDAP API
>>> error : the SslFilter was not added to the chain)
>>> - ApacheDS is now building fine
>>> I think I will start to cut a release of the Apache LDAP API 2.0.0-AM1
>>> (first milestone before a release) and a ApachedS 2.0.0-AM25. I just
>>> have to test if Studio works fine with both those guys. Will do that one
>>> of those coming evenings, when teh baby will sleep ;-)
>> I can help with testing Studio.
> Good news, all Studio tests are back to stable so I'm pretty confident
> that everything is fine. Good job, Emmanuel!

Great !

> I'll try to test Studio with Java 11 and check if it makes sense to
> upgrade from Oxygen to Photon right now.

Okie. FTR, I have tested photon last week-end, and I'm not totally
pleased with the way it delas with loaded projects, when they are built
outside: it's quite a pain in the back to get them rebuilt properly in
eclipse (see https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=536592)

Otherwise, i'm trying to bump up maven plugins version in 'project', and
all works fine except for teh osgi tests that take forever (like 10 mins
instead of 1) when using a surefire plugin version > 1.19.1. Obviously,
they have chenged something that makes the tests to slow down terribly
(I suspect they have added some 'cleanup' tasks that weren't present
before, becuase the tests themselves are only taking 2 and a half
second). I will most certainly keep going with 2.19.1 for the OSGi tests.

Thanks !

Emmanuel Lecharny


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