> On Jan 21, 2019, at 1:06 PM, Stefan Seelmann <m...@stefan-seelmann.de> wrote:
> Let me know what you think or if you have objections or questions.
> Otherwise I'd continue with more Jenkinsfiles :)

+1, sounds like a great idea to me.  Is this something we can divide and 
conquer?  I’ve never done this, but it’s something I’ve been interested in for 
some time.  Also, would be a great introduction to a project for a newbie.  


> On Jan 21, 2019, at 1:06 PM, Stefan Seelmann <m...@stefan-seelmann.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> for the LDAP API I created a Jenkinsfile and a corresponding Jenkins
> pipeline job (there is the classic view [1] and the more fancy "blue
> ocean" UI [2]). This LDAP API pipeline is quite simple: The code is
> built and tests are executed on various platforms (Windows with Java 8,
> Linux with Java 8, 11, 12). When that is successful there is another
> build that deploys the snapshot JARs to Nexus. I alrady disabled the old
> LDAP API Jenkins job to not build twice. The Sonar Job is not included
> yet, there I have to find out if/how it's possible to integrate.
> I'd like to create similar pipelines for the other projects, then with
> more steps (e.g. installer tests etc).
> The advantages are (IMHO):
> * The Jenkins job is defined "as code" and is part of the Git repository
> and versioned
> * There is only one job with multiple stages/steps which makes the
> Jenkins setup better manageable
> * With the current configuration, in case of a failure, there is only
> one failure email sent
> * It's easy to add additional build steps
> Some build steps are based on a Docker image. This allows to define
> custom tools and dependencies (e.g. new Java version not yet installed
> on Jenkins, LDAP cmd line tools, other LDAP servers, Kerberos
> configuration) for more sophisticated testing. All custom Docker images
> are defined in [3].
> Let me know what you think or if you have objections or questions.
> Otherwise I'd continue with more Jenkinsfiles :)
> Kind Regards,
> Stefan
> [1]
> https://builds.apache.org/view/D/view/Directory/job/dir-ldap-api-pipeline
> [2]
> https://builds.apache.org/blue/organizations/jenkins/dir-ldap-api-pipeline/activity
> [3] https://github.com/apache/directory-buildtools

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