Dear Distribution,

I'm trying to download Open Office 3.2.1 for Windows in Spanish, following the link present at

I'm afraid it is not working; I get this error message:

   File not found

The requested file in the URL below was not found on this server:

This can have several reasons:

   * The version is not available for this language or platform.
   * The URL contains a file with an included JRE ("wJRE") or without
     which is not available.
   * Wrong characters are used in the URL. Only letters "a-z" and
     "A-Z", numbers "0-9", dot ".", dash "-", underscore "_" and slash
     "/" are supported.
   * Only upper or lower cases were used like "LINUX" or "linux"
     instead of mixed like "Linux".

Hope will help

F. Peña

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