Jean Hollis Weber wrote:
Frank Peters wrote:
Frank Peters wrote:

- Mediawiki does not support image export (or does it?)
- The process should be controlled by a script that
  accesses the wiki, fetches the pages, converts them
  and creates PDF (did anyone say "Perl"? ;-)

Anything else?

We'd need a solid template for creating ODF and PDF defining
styles, layout, colors, etc. Also, we may need different
templates for Letter and A4 page size.

I have never seen a direct-to-PDF conversion (other than from some page-layout program like OOo or MSO) that produces PDFs that I consider acceptable for publication. For example, page breaks are often bad. No doubt a script could overcome some of this, but not all, as some is a matter of human judgement rather than algorithms.
I can look into creating something like this in Java or Perl. If we can get it to where there is little to no tweaking afterwards, all the better.

Also, a problem for both ODT and PDF output from wiki pages: where will the index entries come from? Is there a way to put index entries into a wiki page, so that they will be output to the ODT? The ones in the ODT files got lost when converting to MediaWiki. That is an argument for keeping the source for the OOoAuthors books, at least, in ODT format. No-- don't anyone tell me about scripts for automatic indexing: the results are not acceptable.
Generating an Index shouldn't be too difficult the way the Wiki is laid out. The tool would have to create style entries for each of the Wiki Sections, that would be used in the Index.


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