What I would like to see in a Base tutorial is a rough description of
database documents (*.odb) as containers, storing connections to various
types of sources together with it's own queries, forms and reports.
Embedded hsqldb appears to me as the exception to the rule that odb does
not store any table-data at all.

The first contact with dialog File>New>Database... is rather confusing
when you don't know about odb-containers.
[1] "new database"
[2] "open existing"
[3] "connect to existing"
The first always creates the native embedded type. The second is
basically the same as File>Open...(*.odb). The third option may require
some extra knowlege (o/jdbc) and you get a new odb-document anyway,
although you did not ask for a "Base database".

A first overview should also include the concept of registration.

Writing about queries there should be a short description on "direct sql

Sometimes a picture can tell more than words. The following draft
illustrates my limited skills in both components Base and Draw:

Something like this, you know. To be edited by a more knowingly Base
expert, leaving out most of the internal details.

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