
I received the UML design. First, I am not sure if the Account and 
TransactionType tables complement or replace my more modest Payment table. I 
have the feeling that they replace it, but it remains in the design. Let me 

Also, I don't see the change in the Patient phone table, other than it adds a 
primary key. I though I only needed the patient ID foreign key here. If this is 
not true, then I am missing something (and the therapist phone box will also 
require a primary key). Please let me know.

The only change I want to do is to add a "Value" attribute in the Assignment 
table, to record the different fees the patients cold be charged (and to help 
calculate debits and credits)

The last thing has to do with whether we need a Office table, to keep track of 
the use of office space for seeing clients. You did mention that in the past, 
while talking about limited resources. I have been trying to keep the table not 
too complicated. Please see the Draft of Reports for Tutorial document that I 
sent you for an analysis of options.

After we decide on this, I will be ready to lock the design.

I read your comments to the Forms I sent you. Now I know what can be done and 
what is it going to take. I am now sending you the draft of Reports that the 
tutorial aims to develop. with this, you should have a complete picture of the 
scope of the example in the tutorial, the skills it aims to teach and the tasks 
that remain for us to accomplish.

I went to check on the forums as you suggested. I felt that the forum that you 
are working on developing is very clear to navigate and has a friendly feeling. 
However, it does not have much information yet. The other one had many more 
contributions but I found it to be somewhat cryptic and maybe it is somewhat 
difficult to understand for non-initiated people like me.

So let's start simple. Can we build the form for the contact information? This 
one is rather straightforward except for the Add New Phone button. Of course, I 
want to focus on this element as the other elements like boxes and labels are 
covered in other tutorials.

Well, I hope to make this the next step. But before, check on the document I 
sent you and on helping me decide to lock the design.

I hope that your toes are doing better.



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