ccornell wrote:
Jean Hollis Weber wrote:
Can I get a list of wiki pages in the Calc Guide that have content on their discussion pages? If so, how?

found it (wiht a nudge from one of the guys on teh MediaWiki mailing list)

- Go to Special Pages > All pages - Type in the subpage you want to search from (in this case, Documentation/OOo3_User_Guides/Calc_Guide)
 - Set the Namespace to Talk
 - Click Go

In this example you will get a lot of results (because the search returns all pages *starting* at the page you told it to search on), and the first one is what you're looking for... there is only one Talk page that has been created for the Calc Guide.

Actually, there are two more Calc Guide Talk pages (started by Regina), in the chapter on formulas and funtions. They are also listed in the results from that search, but I had to use FireFox's Find function to ensure that I found real results for Calc Guide.

Hmm, checking a random sample of the other results, I notice that a lot of people seem to be using the Talk (Discussion) pages to ask how-do-I-do-it questions instead of to discuss the contents of the wiki pages.


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