Hello; Yesterday I sent you the message that is copied below. I'd like to say 
that I believe that I could also do the three other jobs, or bounties, that are 
listed on that page.

I would use OpenOffice to prepare the document(s).

Jim Jones

Sr Member Society for Technical Communication

-----Forwarded Message-----
>From: 'Technical Writing Plus' <do...@earthlink.net>
>Sent: Jun 17, 2010 12:31 PM
>To: dev@documentation.openoffice.org
>Cc: "do...@earthlink.net" <do...@earthlink.net>
>Subject: Python binding bounty WAS Re: [ooo-announce] OpenOffice.org Developer 
>Documentation Bounties
>Hello; I am a freelance technical writer and I am in the US. I am interested 
>in your Python Building project. I am a Sr Member of the Society for Technical 
>Communication (stc.org, stc-chicago.org). 
>Last year I edited a user-oriented publication that was authored by Jean 
>Weber. Jean is a lead of the OOo documentation effort in Australia. (The book 
>that I edited was on using OOo Writer for small publishing projects.)
>Jim Jones  chineseadjuster.webs.com
>... OpenOffice.org developers. 
>If you have an idea for a Bounty ...

Jim Jones

-- Editing and Technical Editing

(Sr Member, Society for Technical Communication)

-- Chinese | German | Spanish to English General and Technical

* zxlat.translatorscafe.com [Resume Page; over 10 downloadable files]
* akn6z.wordpress.com [phone interpreting for Mandarin and English (Legal and 
Business Questionnaires in pdf form available for download; about Mandarin 
Chinese; with slide shows]
* chineseadjuster.webs.com [Mandarin Coaching and Tutoring, Remote; slide #11 
has statements from native speakers that describe my pronunciation]

--  Tutoring for Inter/Adv Mandarin and Pronunciation
--  Phone Interpreting for Mandarin and English (Legal and Business)

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