Hi John,

2015-04-24 14:11, John McNamara:
> This patch adds automatic figure and table references to the docs. The
> figure and table numbers in the generated Html and PDF docs can now be
> automatically numbered based on section.
> Requires Sphinx >= 1.3.
> Advantages:
> * Figues/tables are numbered automatically and adding/removing items
>   no longer requires manual fixing.
> Disadvantages:
> * Requires Sphinx >= 1.3.
> * Table captions are above tables while figure captions are below. This is
>   a current Sphinx/DocUtils limitation.
> * Both the :numref: and :ref: directives are required to link to a figure
>   or table number and caption.

This is really a great work but I think it's not reasonnable to require
sphinx 1.3. As almost nobody is using this version, it would be equivalent
to prevent users and developers to generate the doc by themselves.

It produces this error:
        ERROR: Unknown interpreted text role "numref".

Do you think it's possible to implement a fallback in our conf.py in order
to ignore this new role if not supported?

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