On Mon, Feb 17, 2020 at 02:23:15PM +0000, Ray Kinsella wrote:
> On 14/02/2020 20:48, Neil Horman wrote:
> > On Fri, Feb 14, 2020 at 11:36:34AM +0000, Bruce Richardson wrote:
> >> On Thu, Feb 13, 2020 at 09:40:40PM -0500, Neil Horman wrote:
> >>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2020 at 05:40:43PM +0000, Ray Kinsella wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> On 05/02/2020 11:32, Neil Horman wrote:
> >>>>> On Wed, Feb 05, 2020 at 11:04:29AM +0100, Luca Boccassi wrote:
> >>>>>> On Tue, 2020-02-04 at 07:02 -0500, Neil Horman wrote:
> >>>>>>>> But if we can do the versioning in the master, LTS can backport it
> >>>>>>>> and can have mature version of that API in LTS without breaking
> >>>>>>>> the existing users.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> But why bother?  The only thing you've changed is the version
> >>>>>>> tagging.  Its ok to leave that alone in LTS, you just cant change
> >>>>>>> it.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Thats part of the burden of an LTS release, it will have some drift
> >>>>>>> from the upstream head, because you have to keep things stable.  So
> >>>>>>> you stabilize the upstream ABI version for this API and just never
> >>>>>>> backport it to the current LTS release.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Hi,
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> A customer (OVS) explicitly and specifically requested backporting
> >>>>>> the symbol change to 19.11, as they don't want to enable
> >>>>>> experimental APIs in their releases. I replied that it would only be
> >>>>>> acceptable with aliasing to keep compatibility, and Ferruh very
> >>>>>> kindly did the work to implement that.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>> but, thats part of the agreement, no?  You can't always have new
> >>>>> features and stability at the same time.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I get that this is an odd corner case, because strictly speaking you
> >>>>> could waive the ABI change that libabigail is reporting, and most
> >>>>> application users (like OVS) could get away with it, because their
> >>>>> application does all the right things to make it ok, but I don't
> >>>>> think you can make a decsion like this for all users based on the
> >>>>> request of a single user.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> It seems like the right thing is for OVS to augment their build time
> >>>>> configuration to allow developers to select the ability to use
> >>>>> experimental apis at compile time, and then the decision is placed in
> >>>>> the hands of end users.
> >>>>
> >>>> So this is not isolated case right ... it is common from API's to
> >>>> graduate from experimental to mature, we _want_ that to happen, we
> >>>> _want_ APIs to mature. 
> >>>>
> >>> Sure, I can absolutely agree with that, though I would suggest that the
> >>> maturity of the ABI is orthogonal to its labeling as such (more on that
> >>> below)
> >>>
> >>>> I am worried what you are proposing will encourage a behavior whereby
> >>>> maintainers to wait until the declaration of the next major ABI version
> >>>> to make these symbol changes, causing these kinds of changes to queue
> >>>> up for that release. 
> >>>>
> >>> I think you're probably right about that, and would make the agrument
> >>> that thats perfectly fine (again I'll clarify below)
> >>>
> >>>> And you would have to ask why?  In the case of a reasonably mature API,
> >>>> there will be no functional or signature change - its mature!  So what
> >>>> is the harm of providing an alias back to Experimental until the next
> >>>> ABI version is declared?
> >>>>
> >>> From a philosophical standpoint, there is absoluely no harm, and I don't
> >>> think anyone would disagree, the harm comes from the details of the
> >>> implementation, as you've noted.
> >>>
> >>>> So while yes, you are 100% right - experimental mean no guarantees.
> >>>> But if the API is baked, it is not going to change, so I don't see the
> >>>> harm.
> >>>>
> >>>> We don't want the unnecessary triumph of policy over pragmatism. 
> >>>>
> >>> I would make the converse argument here.  While I agree that when an API
> >>> is mature, theres no point in calling it experimental anymore, I would
> >>> also suggest that, if an API is mature, and not expected to change,
> >>> theres no harm in leaving its version tag as experimental for an LTS
> >>> release.  This is what I was referring to above.  Once an application
> >>> developer has done the work to integrate an API from DPDK into its
> >>> application, that work is done.  If the API remains stable, then I
> >>> honestly don't know that they care that the version label is EXPERIMENTAL
> >>> versus 20.11 or 20.05 or whatever.  They care about the API being stable
> >>> more so than its version label.  As such, it seems....reasonable to me to
> >>> have developers queue their migration of experimental APIs to official
> >>> versioned APIs at the next major release deliniation point.
> >>>
> >>> I'd welcome counter arguments, but it seems pretty natural to me to make
> >>> these sorts of changes at the major release mark.  People using
> >>> experimantal apis have already implicity agreed to manage changes to
> >>> them, so if we just hold it stable in an LTS release (and don't update
> >>> the version label), its just gravy for them.
> >>>
> >> The counter argument that I see is that while the experimental tag remains
> >> in place the user has no way to know that an API is stable or not, and so
> >> in many projects cannot use the API. If for example an API that is
> >> experimental in 19.11 is unchanged through 20.05 at which point we decide
> >> to promote it to stable. Once the change to the exp tag it is made, any
> >> users of 19.11 can then see that it is an unchanged and now-stable ABI and
> >> can start using it in their software, if they wish, without having to wait
> >> for the 20.11 release. Changing the tag early allows ABIs to be potentially
> >> used immediately.
> >>
> > 
> > I would agree with this, however, when using an LTS release, in my mind at
> > least, part of the agreement there is you get stability in the fuctions that
> > were declared stable at the time of release.  I'm not sure there should be 
> > an
> > expectation of additional stabilization within the lifetime of the release
> > (thats really what the 12 month LTS release cycle is for, no)?  You never 
> > have
> > to wait more than a year for a new set of stable features.  If you want 
> > faster
> > feature integration than that, you can choose to enable the experimental 
> > API's
> > and accept the benefits and drawbacks thereof.
> > 
> > That said, if (as I understand it) the goal is to provide a mechanism to 
> > allow
> > experimental features to be promoted to stable status, perhaps we can find a
> > happy middle ground.  What if we were to create a construct such as this:
> > 
> > #pragma push_macro("ALLOW_EXPERIMENTAL_APIS")
> > void __rte_experimental func(...);
> > #pragma pop_macro("ALLOW_EXPERIMENTAL_APIS")
> > 
> > Such a consruct would allow the maintainer of an API to pseudo-promote an 
> > API
> > from a experimental to stable status, at least so far as compilation would 
> > be
> > concerned.  Its messy and clunky, and it wouldn't change the function 
> > version at
> > all, but the end result would be that:
> > a) such a wraped experimental function would no longer issue a warning when 
> > used
> > during compilation/linking
> > and
> > b) provide a semi-easy grepable pattern for application writers to look for 
> > when
> > considering the use of an API that was previously experimental
> > 
> > such a construct would have to be used very judiciously, in that once its
> > implemented, the API has to be treated as stable, even though its 'excused' 
> > from
> > the normal checking, but it could provide something of the more rapid 
> > promotion
> > path being sought.
> > 
> > Thoughts?
> > Neil
> >> Regards,
> >> /Bruce
> >>
> Then method above seems clunky, and it is unclear to me if it solves the 
> original problem. 
> It seems simpler to me to promote a symbol the next ABI version,  and then 
> provide an alias.
> At the declaration of the next major ABI version (v21), we would then only 
> need to check 
> for those symbols that are both EXPERIMENTAL and v21, to know which aliases 
> need to be removed. 
> Thanks,
> Ray K
i don't disagree, just looking for other potential options.


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