> On Jul 22, 2015, at 2:36 AM, Gray, Mark D <mark.d.gray at intel.com> wrote:
>> I'd like to hope that's my methodology problem, but I just follow the
>> installation guide without any customization.
>> Hi Mark, do you have any performance data share with us? Maybe we are
>> using different type of workloads, like I mentioned I am using typical data
>> center workload, I guess you are talking about NFV type of workload?
> The number getting floated around on the mailing list recently is 16.5Mpps
> for phy-phy. However, I don't think we have any iperf data off-hand for your
> usecase. When we test throughput into the vm we usually generate the traffic 
> externally
> and send NIC->OVS->VM->OVS->NIC. This is a little different to your setup.

I guess pmd driver is used inside VM in that case, right?
> I do know, however, that ovs-dpdk typically has a much larger throughput than
> the kernel space datapath.

I'd like to say it depends on workloads, for small/medium packet size workload, 
that's definitely true, while for TSO size workload, it's not that obvious (or 
worse) as data path overheads are amortized and H/W can be leveraged.
> Have you seen this? 
> https://wiki.opnfv.org/characterize_vswitch_performance_for_telco_nfv_use_cases

Thanks for the pointer, I'll try later.
>> Thanks,
>> Jun

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