When running a set of, mostly window function, queries concurrently on a
single drillbit with a 8GB max direct memory. We are seeing a continuous
increase of direct memory allocation.

We repeat the following steps multiple times:
- we launch in "iteration" of tests that will run all queries in a random
order, 10 queries at a time
- after the iteration finishes, we wait for a couple of minute to give
Drill time to release the memory being held by the finishing fragments

Using Drill's memory logger ("drill.allocator") we were able to get
snapshots of how memory was internally used by Netty, we only focused on
the number of allocated chunks, if we take this number and multiply it by
16MB (netty's chunk size) we get approximately the same value reported by
Drill's direct memory allocation.
Here is a graph that shows the evolution of the number of allocated chunks
on a 500 iterations run (I'm working on improving the plots) :


In this specific case, after the first iteration Drill was allocating ~2GB
of direct memory, this number kept rising after each iteration to ~6GB. We
suspect this caused one of our previous runs to crash the JVM.

If we only focus on the log lines between iterations (when Drill's memory
usage is below 10MB) then all allocated chunks are at most 2% usage. At
some point we end up with 288 nearly empty chunks, yet the next iteration
will cause more chunks to be allocated!!!

is this expected ?

PS: I am running more tests and will update this thread with more


Abdelhakim Deneche

Software Engineer


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