So I intend to use this constructor for the new *RelNode*:
RelTraitSet, RelOptTable, GroupScan, RelDataType, List<SchemaPath>)*

How can I provide it's parameters ?

   1. *RelOptCluster*: Can I pass *DrillJoinRel.getCluster()* ?

   2. *RelTraitSet*: Can I pass *DrillJoinRel.getTraitSet()* ?

   3. *RelOptTable*: I assume I can use this factory method
   RelDataType, Table, Path)*). Any hints of how I can provide these
   parameters too ? Should I just go ahead and manually create a new instance
   of each parameter ?

   4. *GroupScan*: I understand I have to create a new implementation class
   for this one so now questions here so far.

   5. *RelDataType*: This one is confusing. Because I understand that for
   *DrillJoinRel.transformTo(newRel)* to work, I have to provide a *newRel*
   instance that has a *RelDataType* instance with the same amount of
   fields and compatible types (i.e. this is mandated by
   RelNode, Object)*). Why couldn't I provide a *RelDataType* with
   a different set of fields ? How can I resolve this ?

   6. *List<SchemaPath>*: I assume I can call this method and pass my
   columns names to it, one by one. (i.e.


*Muhammad Gelbana*

On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 1:59 PM, weijie tong <>

> your code seems right , just to implement the 'call.transformTo()' ,but the
> left detail , maybe I think I can't express the left things so precisely,
> just as @Paul Rogers mentioned the plugin detail is a little trivial.
> 1.  drillScanRel.getGroupScan  .
> 2. you need to extend the AbstractGroupScan ,and let it holds some
> information about your storage . This defined GroupScan just call it
> AGroupScan corresponds to a joint scan RelNode. Then you can define another
> GroupScan called BGroupScan which extends AGroupScan, The BGroupScan acts
> as a aggregate container which holds the two joint AGroupScan.
> 3 . The new DrillScanRel has the same RowType as the JoinRel. The
> requirement and exmple of transforming between two different RelNodes can
> be found from other codes. This DrillScanRel's GroupScan is the BGroupScan.
> This new DrillScanRel is the one applys to the code
>  `call.transformTo(xxxx)`.
> maybe the picture below may help you  understand my idea:
>          ---Scan (AGroupScan)
> suppose the initial RelNode tree is : Project ----Join --|
>   |       ---Scan (AGroupScan)
>   |
>  \|/
> after applied this rule ,the final tree is: Project-----Scan ( BGroupScan (
> List(AGroupScan ,AGroupScan) ) )
> On Thu, Mar 30, 2017 at 10:01 PM, Muhammad Gelbana <>
> wrote:
> > *This is my rule class*
> >
> > public class CartesianProductJoinRule extends RelOptRule {
> >
> >     public static final CartesianProductJoinRule INSTANCE = new
> > CartesianProductJoinRule(DrillJoinRel.class);
> >
> >     public CartesianProductJoinRule(Class<DrillJoinRel> clazz) {
> >         super(operand(clazz, operand(RelNode.class, any()),
> > operand(RelNode.class, any())),
> >                 "CartesianProductJoin");
> >     }
> >
> >     @Override
> >     public boolean matches(RelOptRuleCall call) {
> >         DrillJoinRel drillJoin = call.rel(0);
> >         return drillJoin.getJoinType() == JoinRelType.INNER &&
> > drillJoin.getCondition().isAlwaysTrue();
> >     }
> >
> >     @Override
> >     public void onMatch(RelOptRuleCall call) {
> >         DrillJoinRel join = call.rel(0);
> >         RelNode firstRel = call.rel(1);
> >         RelNode secondRel = call.rel(2);
> >         HepRelVertex right = (HepRelVertex) join.getRight();
> >         HepRelVertex left = (HepRelVertex) join.getLeft();
> >
> >         List<RelDataTypeField> firstFields = firstRel.getRowType().
> > getFieldList();
> >         List<RelDataTypeField> secondFields = secondRel.getRowType().
> > getFieldList();
> >
> >         RelNode firstTable = ((HepRelVertex)firstRel.
> > getInput(0)).getCurrentRel();
> >         RelNode secondTable = ((HepRelVertex)secondRel.
> > getInput(0)).getCurrentRel();
> >
> >         //call.transformTo(???);
> >     }
> > }
> >
> > *To register the rule*, I overrode the *getOptimizerRules* method in my
> > storage plugin class
> >
> > public Set<? extends RelOptRule> getOptimizerRules(OptimizerRulesContext
> > optimizerContext, PlannerPhase phase) {
> >     switch (phase) {
> >     case LOGICAL_PRUNE:
> >     case LOGICAL:
> >         return getLogicalOptimizerRules(optimizerContext);
> >     case PHYSICAL:
> >         return getPhysicalOptimizerRules(optimizerContext);
> >     case JOIN_PLANNING:
> > *        return ImmutableSet.of(CartesianProductJoinRule.INSTANCE);*
> >     default:
> >         return ImmutableSet.of();
> >     }
> >
> > }
> >
> > The rule is firing as expected but I'm lost when it comes to the
> > conversion. Earlier, you said "the new equivalent ScanRel is to have the
> > joined
> > ScanRel nodes's GroupScans", so
> >
> >    1. How can I obtain the left and right tables group scans ?
> >    2. What exactly do you mean by joining them ? Is there a utility
> method
> >    to do so ? Or should I manually create a new single group scan and add
> > the
> >    information I need there ? Looking into other *GroupScan*
> >    implementations, I found that they have references to some runtime
> > objects
> >    such as the storage plugin and the storage plugin configuration. At
> this
> >    stage, I don't know how to obtain those !
> >    3. Precisely, what kind of object should I use to represent a
> *RelNode*
> >    that represents the whole join ? I understand that I need to use an
> > object
> >    that has implements the *RelNode* interface. Then I should add the
> >    created *GroupScan* to that *RelNode* instance and call
> >    *call.transformTo(newRelNode)*, correct ?
> >
> >
> > *---------------------*
> > *Muhammad Gelbana*
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Mar 30, 2017 at 2:46 AM, weijie tong <>
> > wrote:
> >
> > > I mean the rule you write could be placed in the
> > PlannerPhase.JOIN_PlANNING
> > > which uses the HepPlanner. This phase is to solve the logical relnode .
> > > Hope to help you.
> > > Muhammad Gelbana <>于2017年3月30日 周四上午12:07写道:
> > >
> > > > ​Thanks a lot Weijie, I believe I'm very close now. I hope you don't
> > mind
> > > > few more questions please:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >    1. The new rule you are mentioning is a physical rule ? So I
> should
> > > >    implement the Prel interface ?
> > > >    2. By "traversing the join to find the ScanRel"
> > > >       - This sounds like I have to "search" for something. Shouldn't
> I
> > > just
> > > >       work on transforming the left (i.e. DrillJoinRel's getLeft()
> > > method)
> > > > and
> > > >       right (i.e. DrillJoinRel's getLeft() method) join objects ?
> > > >       - The "left" and "right" elements of the DrillJoinRel object
> are
> > of
> > > >       type RelSubset, not *ScanRel* and I can't find a type called
> > > > *ScanRel*.
> > > >       I suppose you meant *ScanPrel*, specially because it implements
> > the
> > > >       *Prel* interface that provides the *getPhysicalOperator*
> method.
> > > >    3. What if multiple physical or logical rules match for a single
> > node,
> > > >    what decides which rule will be applied and which will be
> rejected ?
> > > Is
> > > > it
> > > >    the *AbstractRelNode.computeSelfCost(RelOptPlanner)* method ?
> What
> > if
> > > >    more than one rule produces the same cost ?
> > > >
> > > > I'll go ahead and see what I can do for now before hopefully you may
> > > offer
> > > > more guidance. THANKS A LOT.
> > > >
> > > > *---------------------*
> > > > *Muhammad Gelbana*
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > On Wed, Mar 29, 2017 at 4:23 AM, weijie tong <
> > > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > to avoid misunderstanding , the new equivalent ScanRel is to have
> the
> > > > > joined ScanRel nodes's GroupScans, as the GroupScans indirectly
> hold
> > > the
> > > > > underlying storage information.
> > > > >
> > > > > On Wed, Mar 29, 2017 at 10:15 AM, weijie tong <
> >
> > > >
> > > > > wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > my suggestion is you define a rule which matches the DrillJoinRel
> > > > RelNode
> > > > > > , then at the onMatch method ,you traverse the join children to
> > find
> > > > the
> > > > > > ScanRel nodes . You define a new ScanRel which include the
> ScanRel
> > > > nodes
> > > > > > you find last step. Then transform the JoinRel to this equivalent
> > new
> > > > > > ScanRel.
> > > > > > Finally , the plan tree will not have the JoinRel but the
> ScanRel.
> > > >  You
> > > > > > can let your join plan rule  in the PlannerPhase.JOIN_PLANNING.
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >

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