Hi Drillers, It's been 3 months since the last release and it is time to do the next one.
I'll volunteer to manage the release :) There are 32 open tickets that are still intended to be included in 1.15.0 release [1]. What do you guys think which tickets do we want to include and what time will it take? If there are any other issues on which work is in progress, that you feel we *must* include in the release, please post in reply to this thread. Based on your input we'll define release cut off date. [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%20DRILL%20AND%20status%20in%20(Open%2C%20%22In%20Progress%22%2C%20Reopened%2C%20Reviewable%2C%20Accepted)%20AND%20fixVersion%20%3D%201.15.0%20AND%20(component%20!%3D%20Documentation%20OR%20component%20is%20null)%20%20AND%20(labels%20!%3D%20ready-to-commit%20OR%20labels%20is%20null)%20ORDER%20BY%20status%20DESC%2C%20updated%20DESC Kind regards Vitalii