We should try to get "DRILL-5671: Set secure ACLs (Access Control List) for
Drill ZK nodes in a secure cluster" into 1.15.
Already +1ed by a committer but waiting for a +1 from another committer who
had also participated in the review.

On Tue, Nov 6, 2018 at 9:46 AM Vitalii Diravka <vita...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi Drillers,
> It's been 3 months since the last release and it is time to do the next
> one.
> I'll volunteer to manage the release :)
> There are 32 open tickets that are still intended to be included in 1.15.0
> release [1].
> What do you guys think which tickets do we want to include and what time
> will it take?
> If there are any other issues on which work is in progress, that you feel
> we *must* include in the release, please post in reply to this thread.
> Based on your input we'll define release cut off date.
> [1]
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__issues.apache.org_jira_issues_-3Fjql-3Dproject-2520-253D-2520DRILL-2520AND-2520status-2520in-2520-28Open-252C-2520-2522In-2520Progress-2522-252C-2520Reopened-252C-2520Reviewable-252C-2520Accepted-29-2520AND-2520fixVersion-2520-253D-25201.15.0-2520AND-2520-28component-2520-21-253D-2520Documentation-2520OR-2520component-2520is-2520null-29-2520-2520AND-2520-28labels-2520-21-253D-2520ready-2Dto-2Dcommit-2520OR-2520labels-2520is-2520null-29-2520ORDER-2520BY-2520status-2520DESC-252C-2520updated-2520DESC&d=DwIFaQ&c=cskdkSMqhcnjZxdQVpwTXg&r=HlugibuI4IVjs-VMnFvNTcaBtEaDDqE4Ya96cugWqJ8&m=akL-98gphoiivbhujdlv6Tf87UzIw9APJX71G9BDSFw&s=A8aoDFlrsbwTNj6NZPNVHYYMIyqVmfKEeDSM0Jb_ZZc&e=
> Kind regards
> Vitalii

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