Hi All,

Wanted to chime in on this topic. We've long talked about the idea of building 
plugins separately from Drill itself; but have never had the resources to 
achieve this goal. Turns out Presto has a nice, simple way to build plugins 
separately from Presto itself. [1]

If Drill were to adopt something similar, then we could divide plugins into two 
tiers: core plugins supported by the Drill project (with the kind of testing 
Arena suggests), and true contributed plugins that are maintained by others, 
using whatever form of testing works for them.

Over time, if we find that a plugin becomes "stale" (lack of support or usage), 
we can perhaps "demote" it to contributed status as a way of managing the fact 
that we can't/won't do full testing on stale plugins.

Presto uses the Java ServiceLoader [2] class to load plugins in a class loader 
separate from that for Presto itself. A side benefit of such an approach is 
that, with the right class loader, we get isolation of plugin and Drill 
dependencies: different plugins can use different Guava versions without the 
conflicts that we ran into in the run-up to the recent release.

At some point we can make a simple trade-off: it might cost less to follow 
Presto's lead than to continue to deal with the conflicts and ambiguities in 
our current "everything in the Drill core" approach.

- Paul

[1] https://prestodb.io/docs/current/develop/spi-overview.html

[2] https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/ServiceLoader.html


    On Friday, January 3, 2020, 11:04:53 AM PST, Charles Givre 
<cgi...@gmail.com> wrote:  
Thanks for the response.  See responses inline:

> On Jan 3, 2020, at 4:40 AM, Arina Yelchiyeva <arina.yelchiy...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Hi Charles,
> I would expect contributor to provide efficient way to test storage plugins. 
> Depending on the source, some have embedded versions, some don’t. So 
> contributor should provide instructions how plugin can be tested.
> Ideally, tests should be able to run without dependency on external system. 
> Kudu is old plugin and does not comply with Drill coding standards, so the 
> fact it does not have unit tests does not mean that other won’t have.

I wasn't suggesting that new plugins shouldn't have good testing ;-). Far from 
it.  What I am wondering is whether it is necessary to have tests for every 
class, or can we go for good coverage by providing a lot of query unit tests 
that test a lot of different cases?

Let's say I'm writing a plugin for Druid and Druid doesn't have an embedded 
mode. (I have no idea whether Druid does or doesn't, just using it as an 
example.)  Would it be acceptable for a developer to provide a Docker container 
loaded with Druid and a small dataset to serve as a testbed for the unit tests? 
 Just FYI, for the API plugin, I wrote 16 or so unit tests using a mock 
webserver, but that one was relatively easy because there are no shortage of 
libraries for testing HTTP responses.

> I would suggest we won’t accept storage plugins that does not have good unit 
> tests coverage, documentations and code quality. Since plugins are easily 
> pluggable, if plugin does not qualify Drill coding standards, it can be build 
> manually and added as jar to the Drill classpath.

I completely agree. One of my biggest frustrations when writing the Drill book 
was the amount of undocumented functionality in Drill.  One thing however, is 
that I don't think plugins are truly "pluggable" yet because most if not all 
require updates to the protobufs. 

> From my perspective, Drill users (or any users) expect if code is available 
> from official build, it means it fully tested and works. Otherwise, users 
> would complain that somethings does not work and say the Drill product is of 
> bad quality.

> Regarding code standards, this should apply to all PRs. We don’t have many 
> code reviewers for the project and submitting PRs that have poor code quality 
> would mean that these people (who voluntarily spend time reviewing and 
> understanding someone code) would have to spend lots of time reviewing and 
> correcting simple things. Many Apache projects have high code quality 
> standards, much higher than Drill, so I think it would be fair if contributor 
> would spend more time making code better than expect reviewer to point to 
> every trivial issue.
> Kind regards,
> Arina
>> On Jan 2, 2020, at 8:50 PM, Charles Givre <cgi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello Drill Devs, 
>> I wanted to ask a question about testing storage plugins.  Currently there 
>> are PRs for storage plugins for Apache Druid 
>> (https://github.com/apache/drill/pull/1888 
>> <https://github.com/apache/drill/pull/1888>), and a generic REST API plugin 
>> (https://github.com/apache/drill/pull/1892 
>> <https://github.com/apache/drill/pull/1892>).  
>> I wanted to ask about what is necessary with respect to testing to get a 
>> storage plugin accepted?  I looked at some of the others, and some, like the 
>> HBase plugin, have many unit tests and others, like the Kudu plugin barely 
>> have any.  Also, since obviously, these unit tests require an external 
>> system (or at least a docker container of one) what should a contributor 
>> provide with a storage plugin?  Should they provide a docker container with 
>> a data set pre-loaded, or should the unit tests be marked "Ignore"?
>> When we do releases, are we running the tests against external systems?
>> Thanks,
>> -- C

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