P.P.S. since I'm spamming this thread today. With

> this suggests to me that we should keep putting effort into: embedded Drill, Windows support, rapid installation and setup, low "time to insight".

I'm not going so far as to suggest that Drill be thought of as desktop software, rather that ad hoc Drill deployments working on small (Gb) to big (Tb) data may be as, or more, important than long lived, heavily integrated, professionally managed deployments working on really Big data (Pb). Perhaps the last category belongs almost entirely to BigQuery, Athena, Snowflake and the like nowadays anyway.

I still think a cluster is the often the most effective way to deploy Drill so the question contemplated is really "Can we make it faster and easier to spin up a cluster (and embedded Drill), connect to data sources and start running (successful) queries"?

On 2024/01/01 07:33, James Turton wrote:
P.S. I also have an admittedly vague idea about deprecating the UNION data type, which still breaks things in many operators, in favour of a different approach where we kick any invalid data encountered while loading column FOO out to a generated _FOO_EXCEPTIONS VARCHAR (or VARBINARY, though binary data formats tend not to be malformed?) column. This would let a query over dirty data complete without invisible data swallowing, and would mean we could cut further effort on UNION support.

On 2024/01/01 07:11, James Turton wrote:
Happy New Year!

Here's another two cents. Make that five now that I scan this email again!

Excluding our Docker Hub images (which are popular), Drill is downloaded ~1000 times a month [1] (order of magnitude, it's hard to count genuinely new installations from web server downloads).

What roles are these folks in? I'm a data engineer by day and I don't think that we count for a large share of those downloads. The DEs I work with are risk averse sorts that tend to favour setups with rigid schemas early on and no surprises for their users at query time. Add to that a second stat from the download data: the biggest single download user OS is Windows, at about 50% [1]. Some of these users may go on to copy that download to a server environment but I have a theory that many of them go on to run embedded Drill right there on beefy Windows laptops.

I conjecture that most of the people reaching for Drill are analysts or developers working _away_ from an established, shared data infrastructure. There may not be any shared data engineering where they are, or they may find themselves in a fashionable "Data Mesh" environment [2]. I'm probably abusing Data Mesh a bit here in that I'm told that it mainly proposes a federation of distinct data _teams_, rather than of data _systems_ but, if you entertain my cynical formulation of "Data Mesh guys! Silos aren't uncool any more!" just a bit, then you can well imagine why a user in a Data Mesh might look for something like Drill to combine data from different silos on their own machine. Tangentially this suggests to me that we should keep putting effort into: embedded Drill, Windows support, rapid installation and setup, low "time to insight".

MongoDB questions still come up frequently giving a reason beyond the JSON files questions to think that the JSON data model is still very important. Wherever we decide to bound the current EVF v2 data model implementation, maybe we can sketch out a design of whatever is unimplemented in some updates to the Drill wiki pages? This would give other devs a head start if we decide that some unsupported complex data type is worth implementing down the road?

1. https://infra-reports.apache.org/#downloads&project=drill
2. https://martinfowler.com/articles/data-mesh-principles.html


On 2024/01/01 03:16, Charles Givre wrote:
I'll throw my .02 here...  As a user of Drill, I've only had the occasion to use the Union once. However, when I used it, it consumed so much memory, we ended up finding a workaround anyway and stopped using it. Honestly, since we improved the implicit casting rules, I think Drill is a lot smarter about how it reads data anyway. Bottom line, I do think we could drop the union and repeated union.

The repeated lists and maps however are unfortunately something that does come up a bit.   Honestly, I'm not sure what work is remaining here but TBH Drill works pretty well at the moment with most of the data I'm using it for.  This would include some really nasty nested JSON objects.

-- C

On Dec 31, 2023, at 01:38, Paul Rogers <par0...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Luoc,

Thanks for reminding me about the EVF V2 work. I got mostly done adding projection for complex types, then got busy on other projects. I've yet to tackle the hard cases: unions, repeated unions and repeated lists (which
are, in fact, repeated repeated unions).

The code to handle unprojected fields in these areas is getting awfully complicated. In doing that work, and then seeing a trick that Druid uses,
I'm tempted to rework the projection bits of the code to use a cleaner
approach. However, it might be better to commit the work done thus far so
folks can use it before I wander off to take another approach.

Then, I wondered if anyone actually still uses this stuff. Do you still
need the code to handle non-projection of complex types?

Of course, perhaps no one will ever need the hard cases: I've never been
convinced that unions, repeated lists, or arrays of repeated lists are
things that any sane data engineer will want to use -- or use more than


- Paul

On Sat, Dec 30, 2023 at 10:26 PM James Turton <dz...@apache.org> wrote:

Hi Luoc and Drill devs!

It's best to email Paul directly since he doesn't follow these lists
closely. In the meantime I've prepared a PR of backported fixes for
1.21.2 to the 1.21 branch [1]. I think we can try to get the Netty
upgrade that Maksym is working on, and which looks close to done,
included? There's at least one CVE  applicable to our current version of


1. https://github.com/apache/drill/pull/2860

On 2023/12/11 04:41, luoc wrote:
Hello all,
   1.22 will be a more stable version. This is a digression: Is Paul
still interested in participating in the EVF V2 refactoring in the
framework? I would like to offer time to assist him.

2023年12月9日 01:01,Charles Givre <cgi...@gmail.com> 写道:

Hello all,
Happy Friday everyone!   I wanted to raise the topic of getting a Drill
minor release out the door before the end of the year. My opinion is that I'd really like to release Drill 1.22 once the integration with Apache Daffodil is complete, but it sounds like that is still a few weeks away.
What does everyone think about issuing a maintenance release before the
end of the year?  There are a number of singificant fixes including some security updates and a major bug in the ES plugin that basically makes it
-- C

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