> I suggest that we have to freeze new comming PR after notification community.

I don’t think it’s necessary to freeze PRs. 

To some extend, it'is the PRs containing pretty much changes that will have 
most of the compatibility problems. Since currently most of the features under 
progress are developing by the Dubbo team or some contributors who keeps a 
close contact with Dubbo community, we can avoid the compatibility problem to 
the greatest extend.

Even though, we should still make sure that the whole community get fully 
notified of the package rename plan, so they can start or refactor their 
patches based on the codebase before or after rename.

Best regards,

> On 7 Jun 2018, at 3:42 PM, Mercy <mercybl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I suggest that we have to freeze new comming PR after notification community.
> Kind regards,
> Mercy Ma
> 在 2018/6/7 下午3:32, Yong Zhu 写道:
>> Now, there also have 23 PRs under reviewing, we need to fix them first,
>> merge or close it. Then we rename the package ASAP.

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