
Best Regards!

发件人:Ian luoian....@gmail.com
发送时间:2019年8月23日(周五) 17:17
主题:Re: [Proposal] Dubbo website document translation plan

Glad to know. Pls. send email to this alias if the pull requests made against 
website project are not processed in time. Thanks, -Ian. On Wed, Aug 21, 2019 
at 11:02 PM caojiele1225 caojiele1...@126.com wrote:  Hi, Community,  随着Apache 
Dubbo 项目惊人的速度高效地成长,Dubbo官网中的文档和博客文章需要日益完善,目前需要社区的小伙伴们一起共建,共建传送门:  
,认领后在此issue回复即可👏👏👏。再次感谢大家共建!  大家有什么想法和建议,非常期待大家的回复。    ——  Hi, Community,  As 
apache dubbo speed growth efficiently, Apache Dubbo project document  and blog 
posts of Dubbo website needs to be increasingly perfect, the need  for 
community friends together to build, build link:  
https://github.com/apache/dubbo-website/issues/368, after the claim reply  on 
this issue.Thank you once again to build! Everyone has any ideas and  
suggestions? I look forward to your reply.  --  Best Regards!  Jiele

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