
Do you mind creating a simple demo at  https://codepen.io/Ovilia/pen/dyYWXWM

Please also CC dev@echarts.apache.org when replying.



On Mon, Jan 24, 2022 at 7:20 PM zhengxu zhu <zzx13829333...@163.com> wrote:

> Hello, officer:
> Please forgive me for using Chinese in my previous email, which caused the
> problem not to be cleared. In the example Examples - Apache ECharts
> <https://echarts.apache.org/examples/zh/editor.html?c=dynamic-data2>, the
> intervals between each data is one day. If I change the interval into one
> minute or one second, all data will be shown in 00:00 in one day, no matter
> how I change the xaxis label. So I want to change a smaller interval but
> still don’t know how to do.
> For example, when interval is 1 hour:
> When interval is 1 minute:
> Can you provide a suggestion about how to achieve this? Sincerely hope for
> your help.
> Zhu Zhengxu
> *发件人: *Ovilia <oviliazh...@gmail.com>
> *发送时间: *2022年1月24日 10:30
> *收件人: *dev <dev@echarts.apache.org>; zzx13829333...@163.com
> *主题: *Re: 关于动态时间轴的求助咨询
> Hi,
> For more please to understand, please use English in our mailing list.
> You can use axisLabel.formatter [1] to control the unit of labels.
> For time axes, the "Cascading Templates" enables you to set the formatter
> for multiple levels.
> You can set the millisecond formatter to be '{HH}:{mm}:{ss}' so that no
> millisecond is displayed.
> [1] https://echarts.apache.org/en/option.html#xAxis.axisLabel.formatter
> Thanks
> *Ovilia*
> On Mon, Jan 24, 2022 at 10:25 AM zhengxu zhu <zzx13829333...@163.com>
> wrote:
> 您好,工程师:
> 在使用时间轴的example时,请问最小的单位如何从“date”变为“seconds”?该链接为Examples - Apache ECharts
> <https://echarts.apache.org/examples/zh/editor.html?c=dynamic-data2>
> 我在使用过程中发现,如果将每一次时间增长的长度设为一小时或是一分钟,那么数据将会堆叠到一起,例如:
> 具体而言,同样是自定的newDate,为何返回的value字符串只能使用fullyear,month以及date?
> 因此,我希望了解如何改变最小时间单位。我已经尝试过一些方法,也仔细搜寻过教程和论坛,但暂时没有关于该问题的收获。希望能够在此得到你们的帮助和启发。
> 朱政谞
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