That’s good news!  sans the suffering part :-)

a) can you document the process?
b) where should that documentation go?  E.g., edgent_overview.html (which is 
incorporated into the javadoc index.html) has a Building Applications section.  
It doesn’t currently seem to say anything about java8 vs 7 vs android.  Maybe 
it should refer the reader to another location?

Related, in the “release management guide” that I’m working on, there’s a 
section of validating the release and I’ve already got a “???” placeholder 
related to the android platform :-)

— Dale

> On Oct 20, 2016, at 2:07 PM, Dan Debrunner <> wrote:
> FYI - I just built the release target and suffered though getting a simple 
> Edgent application working on Android.
> While the process isn't easy, the Edgent android jars are working on Android, 
> so thanks to Dale et al who worked on getting them through the gradle build 
> process.
> Dan.

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