Some tests are more timing sensitive than they should be.  Not sure these are 
one of them.  Will have to investigate.  Please create a jira.

There is one known issue with OSX and FileStreams.directoryWatcher() - it’s 
noted in its javadoc.  The tests should be OK though.

Nominally, any platform that supports java8 or 7 should be fine, as should 
Android., referenced only by, ugh, documents platform 
usage constraints.
You’re right, should be clearer about this.  I’ll create a jira.

— Dale

> On Oct 22, 2016, at 8:37 PM, Justin Mclean <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I also getting two tests failing. Is this expected? I’m on OSX if it matters. 
> I’m actually not sure what platforms are supported, perhaps this should be 
> mentioned in README?
> org.apache.edgent.test.connectors.file.FileStreamsTextFileWriterGlobalTest > 
> testRetainAggSizeBased FAILED
>    java.lang.AssertionError: [] expected:<2> but was:<0>
> org.apache.edgent.test.connectors.file.FileStreamsTextFileWriterGlobalTest > 
> testCompressedFileWriterPolicy FAILED
>    org.junit.ComparisonFailure: 
> path:/var/folders/c9/_vzry23j5973z7p4t_k1_ld40000gp/T/
>  line 1 expected:<1-[?????????]> but was:<1-[???????????????????????????]>
> Thanks,
> Justin

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