
> 1) Attract at least  a third independent committer/ppmc member.

Would be best, but I think it may be possible to graduate without that.

> 2) Do a second release to show the process is repeatable (under way).

It would also be good to do a release with a different rerelease manager. 
(Tests the release process is documented and that someone else can follow it.)

> 3) Complete the Maturity Model [1]. (There are just a couple security items 
> that I felt someone with better knowledge of the product should address QU20 
> and QU30)

This is not a requirement to graduate but it still a handy document.

> 5) Secure a volunteer to complete the graduation infrastructure steps once 
> voted in.

Mentors/infra normally help out with most of the process here. There’s usually 
a  press release than needs to be drafted, can’t think of anything else off top 
of my head.


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