On 2/22/17 2:02 PM, Robert Saccone wrote:

I wanted to follow up on a possible solution as to how one might use
Edgent on iOS devices.  I recently came across a project that Google
started sometime back called J2ObjC (https://github.com/google/j2objc).
Basically it converts Java code to Objective-C.  The idea it was founded
on is that you write the business logic of your mobile application in Java
and then using this tool you can create an iOS compatible version in
Objective-C.  It got me curious as to whether it might be possible to use
it to transform some or all of the Apache Edgenet code base so it could be
used on iOS.  I plan on experimenting to see if this is a viable solution
but I was wondering if anyone in the Edgent community has tried this
and/or has any experience with J2ObjC and thoughts on this approach before
I begin?

Edgent on iOS sounds very exciting. I don't have any experience or technical input on this tool. I would be very interested to hear if it worked and how hard it is to get something up and running.

 A couple of high level thoughts/questions?
  - License - It looks like J2ObjC is Apache 2.0 so that is good.
Are there any specific license considerations for the generated Objective-C code? Are their other Apache projects that use this tool? Does Objective-C require some special Apache infrastructure or tools to build which might not be compatibly licensed?

- How would the generated code maintained? Is this something you run once per version, tweak the generated code and check that in? If so does it mean an extra step for each release, plus Objective-C expertise to tweak or is it the java code/tool that would be tweaked to make the code always purely generated and never checked in? We would want to make sure we have the knowledge base and commitment in the community to continue support so we don't just end up orphaning our iOS support with some release.

- Does J2OjC have a strong dev community that will be there into the future? Are there success stories and large user base that depend on it that might help keep it going?



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