> On Jun 21, 2017, at 8:06 AM, Christofer Dutz <christofer.d...@c-ware.de> 
> wrote:
> Ok I changed the android stuff to build with Java8 and to use retrolambda to 
> produce a java7 version and ensure it’s valid java7 using the animalsniffer 
> plugin. So that should be ok.
I noticed that. Thanks!

> The thing with empty jars is that if for example I would be building some 
> application with maven targeting android, the application will contain one 
> and the same artifact name twice … it would be 
> edgent-connectors-common-1.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar (the one from android) and 
> edgent-connectors-common-1.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar (the one from java7) … this will 
> definitely cause problems.
Woops, I forgot the detail that they’ll have the same file names :-)

> I think I’ll go down the path of repacking the java7 jars as android jars and 
> to deploy them with the android groupId. I know that we will be providing 
> technically the same content twice, but I guess the benefits of this approach 
> overweigh the disadvantages of the other options.
Sounds good.

At one point someone suggested that perhaps there should only be a single 
Edgent “runtime” (or core) jar for everything that’s currently in the binary 
release bundle’s “lib” directory - edgent.api, edgent.providers, 
edgent.runtime, edgent.spi.  I don’t know if we’ll want to head in that 
direction at some point but I’ll ask: how possible / disruptive that would be 
later on with the mvn tooling?

— Dale

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