Perhaps additional discussion is warranted.

A goal has been to make it easier for folks to get started using Edgent as 
opposed to being builders/developers of Edgent (hence the distribution of 
Edgent jars to maven central).

Being able to easily get the sample sources separate from “Edgent” seems right 
to me.  Yeah, we really don’t need to release a separate sample sources bundle 
to achieve that (and not “releasing” samples makes life easier for us).  If the 
samples are in their own git/github repo then we can just point users there and 
they can easily download/clone.

So, I guess I’m still a proponent of a separate repo but now not doing a 
release / separate source bundle of them.  Make sense?

— Dale

> On Nov 7, 2017, at 10:40 AM, John D. Ament <> wrote:
> Well, its not an issue to include samples in the main source.  You can
> release it all together.  You can also release it independently, but
> typically sample repos aren't released.  Its up to you guys.  I'm of the
> opinion that if you have a samples/examples repo it shouldn't get
> released.  You may want to tag it for a specific release so that others can
> reference it.
> By not releasing a sample repo, you can include incompatible dependencies
> and not have to worry (just make sure you're being clear about it in the
> repo's readme).
> If you want, you can also just exclude the samples from the release source.
> I've seen projects do all three.

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