Wrong, you have to import them. The framework only delegates java.* to
the parent classloader.

NOT javaX.*



On 5/10/07, Alin Dreghiciu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You don't need to import them since the framework has to delegate to the
parent class loader as explained in 3.8.4 in osgi core specs.

Alin Dreghiciu

On 5/10/07, Hampel, Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a question regarding the poms in Felix Commons.
> Some of these poms prohibit the import of javax packages by adding
> !javax.* to the <Import-Package> element,
> others are not doing it like avalon or log4j.
> Should I import  JRE classes or not - is this because they are loaded by
> the system bundle?
> Thanx in advance for any help,
> Michael

Karl Pauls

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